Oregon Secretary of State

Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying

Chapter 820

Division 20


(1) In order to safeguard life, health and property, to promote the public welfare, and to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity and practice, the following Rules of Professional Conduct shall be binding on:

(a) Any individual holding a certificate of registration, or a temporary authorization, or enrolled as an intern.

(b) Any individual submitting an application to the Board for a certificate of registration or for enrollment as an intern.

(2) All persons registered or applying for registration or enrollment under ORS 672.002 to 672.325 are charged with having knowledge of these Rules of Professional Conduct, and are deemed to be familiar with their provisions and to understand them. Such knowledge encompasses the understanding that the practice of engineering, land surveying, and photogrammetric mapping is a privilege and not a right.

(3) In these Rules of Professional Conduct, the word "registrant" means any person holding a license or certificate issued by this Board.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 672.255 & ORS 670.310
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 2-2020, amend filed 05/19/2020, effective 05/19/2020
BEELS 7-2015, f. & cert. ef. 9-16-15
BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06
BEELS 3-2002, f. & cert. ef. 11-13-02
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81
EE 20, f. & ef. 12-15-77
EE 14, f. 4-26-72, ef. 5-15-72

Registrants or Applicants for Registration or Certification Shall Hold Paramount the Safety, Health and Welfare of the Public in the Performance of their Professional Duties

(1) Registrants shall at all times recognize that their primary obligation is to protect the safety, health, property and welfare of the public. If their professional judgment is overruled under circumstances where the safety, health, property or welfare of the public are endangered, they shall notify their employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate.

(2) Registrants shall approve and seal only those design documents and surveys which are safe for public health, property and welfare in conformity with accepted engineering and land surveying standards.

(3) Registrants shall not reveal facts, data or information obtained in a professional capacity without the prior consent of the client, or employer except as authorized or required by law.

(4) Registrants shall not permit the use of their name or firm name nor associate in business ventures with any person or firm which they have reason to believe is engaging in fraudulent or dishonest business or professional practices.

(5) Registrants or applicants for registration or certification having knowledge of any alleged violation of any of these Rules of Professional Conduct, shall cooperate with the Board in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required.

(6) Conviction of a felony without restoration of civil rights, or discipline of the license of a registrant in another jurisdiction, if for a cause which in the State of Oregon would constitute a violation of ORS 672.020 to 672.310 or of these rules, shall be grounds for a charge of violation of these rules.

(7) Registrants shall continue their professional development throughout their careers; and they shall provide opportunities for the professional development of individuals under their supervision. The Board may require, as a condition for license renewal, that registrants provide documentation to support actions taken to maintain their professional competency.

(8) Registrants or applicants for registration or certification shall cooperate with the Board on all matter subject to the Board's jurisdiction.

(9) Registrants must apply a seal of the type, kind, size and wording, and affix their signature as required by OAR 820-025-0005.

(10) Registrants must affix a seal and sign any final document prepared under their supervision and control. Any document not clearly marked as a preliminary document under OAR 820-025-0015(2) is a final document that must bear the seal and signature of the registrant under whose supervision and control the document was prepared.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 2-2020, amend filed 05/19/2020, effective 05/19/2020
BEELS 7-2017, minor correction filed 12/11/2017, effective 12/11/2017
BEELS 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 2-16-16
BEELS 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-5-07
BEELS 3-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-26-01
EE 1-1995, f. 8-15-95, cert. ef. 9-1-95
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81

Registrants Shall Perform Services Only in the Areas of Their Competence

(1) Registrants shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific technical fields of engineering or land surveying involved.

(2) Registrants shall not affix their signatures or seals to any plans or documents dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence, nor to any such plan or document not prepared under their direction and control.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.255
EE 2-1995, f. 12-15-95, cert. ef. 1-1-96
EE 1-1995, f. 8-15-95, cert. ef. 9-1-95
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81

Obligation of Registrants and Applicants to Issue Statements only in an Objective and Truthful Manner

(1) Registrants and applicants must be objective and truthful and include all relevant and pertinent information in all professional reports, statements or testimony, applications for registration and enrollment as an intern, and references on applications for registration and enrollment.

(2) Registrants may express a professional opinion on technical subjects only when that opinion is founded upon adequate knowledge of the facts and the registrant is competent in the subject matter.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 2-16-16
BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81

Obligation of Registrants and Applicants to Act in Professional Matters for Each Employer or Client as Faithful Agents or Trustees, and to Avoid Conflicts of Interest

(1) For purposes of this section, “applicant” means an applicant who is registered in another jurisdiction.

(2) Registrants and applicants for registration or certification shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees and at all times strive to serve the public interest.

(3) Registrants and applicants for registration or certification shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest to their employers or clients by promptly informing them, in writing, of any business association, interest, or other circumstances that could influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services. For purposes of this rule, a "conflict of interest" includes, but is not limited to, an interest in any property or any other thing of value, other than their compensation from that employer, that is related in any way to or potentially affected by the services that the registrant provides.

(4) Registrants and applicants for registration or certification shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests.

(5) A registrant or applicant for registration or certification shallnot accept compensation, financial or otherwise, directly or indirectly, from more than one party for services on the same property, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all parties, in writing.  For the purposes of this subsection, forgiveness of debt is considered compensation.

(6) A registrant or applicant for registration or certification who is a member, advisor or employee of a governmental body shall not participate in decisions made by that governmental body with respect to professional services solicited from or provided by that individual or a business or firm that employs the individual or in which the individual holds an ownership interest and through which the individual offers or provides professional services.  This subsection does not apply to County Surveyors carrying out their duties under ORS 209.070(5) and (6).

(7) A registrant or applicant for registration or certification may not solicit or accept employment or a contract for professional services from a governmental body for which that individual’s associate is a member or officer unless the individual discloses all pertinent facts and circumstances of the individual’s relationship to the individual’s associate and the governmental body provides written consent. For purposes of this rule, an "individual’s associate" refers to an individual’s employer or an owner or officer of a business or firm that employs the individual or in which the individual holds an ownership interest and through which the individual offers or provides professional services.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 2-2020, amend filed 05/19/2020, effective 05/19/2020
BEELS 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 2-16-16
BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06
BEELS 1-1998, f. & cert. ef. 2-10-98
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81

Obligation of Applicants or Registrants to Avoid Improper Solicitation of Professional Employment

(1) An applicant or registrant may not misrepresent or permit misrepresentation of the academic or professional qualifications of the applicant or registrant, another registrant, or a registrant's associate. For purposes of this rule, a "registrant's associate" refers to a registrant's employer or an owner or officer of a business or firm that employs the registrant or in which the registrant holds an ownership interest and through which the registrant offers or provides professional services.

(2) An applicant or registrant may not misrepresent or exaggerate the responsibility for performance of prior assignments by the applicant or registrant, by any other registrant, or by a registrant's associate.

(3) An applicant who is registered in another jurisdiction or a registrant may not offer, give, solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any commission or gift or other valuable consideration in order to secure work.

(4) An applicant who is registered in another jurisdiction or a registrant may not make any political contribution intended to influence the award of a contract by a governmental body.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 1-2017, f. & cert. ef. 5-12-17
BEELS 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 2-16-16
BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06
EE 2-1981, f. 5-19-81, ef. 6-1-81

Oregon Specific Examination Subversion: Grounds for Invalidation of Examination Results

(1) Examination subversion is the use of any means to alter the results of an examination to cause the results to inaccurately represent the competency of an examinee.

(2) The Board may invalidate the examination results of an examinee who engages in examination subversion. Examination subversion may include, but is not limited to:

(a) Communication between examinees inside of the examination room.

(b) Giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance on the examination while an examination is in process.

(c) Having any unauthorized printed, written, or digital material in the examinee's possession used to, or that might serve to aid the examinee on the examination.

(d) Having any unauthorized mechanical, digital, electronic or other device or mechanism in the examinee’s possession used to, or that might serve to, aid the examinee on the examination.

(e) Obtaining, using, buying, selling, distributing, having possession of, or having unauthorized access to examination questions or other secured examination material prior to, during or after the administration of the examination.

(f) Copying another examinee's answers or looking at another examinee's materials while an examination is in progress.

(g) Permitting anyone to copy answers to the examination.

(h) Removing any secured examination materials from the examination facility.

(i) Allowing another person to take the examination in the examinee's place.

(j) Placing any identifying mark upon the examinee's examination papers other than the examinee's identification number or other identifiers as directed by the examination administrator.

(k) Writing on anything other than designated examination material.

(l) Writing or erasing anything after time is called.

(m) Having a cell phone in the examinee’s possession.

(n) Having a device with copying, recording, or communication capabilities in the examinee’s possession. These include but are not limited to cameras, pagers, PDAs, radios, headsets, tape players, calculator watches, electronic dictionaries, electronic translators, transmitting devices, and digital media players.

(o) Having a calculator in the examinee’s possession that is not approved by the examination proctor.

(p) Removing pages from an exam booklet.

(q) Leaving the exam room without authorization.

(r) Engaging in any other act of examination subversion identified by the Board or proctor but not listed above.

(3) In addition to subsections (1) and (2) of this rule, the Board may invalidate the examination results for any examinee who violates any other terms contained in testing regulations provided by the examination’s administrator or proctor that are cause for dismissal or exam invalidation by the examination’s administrator or proctor.

(4) At the discretion of the Board or its designee, if there is evidence of examination subversion by an examinee prior to, during, or after the administration of the examination, one or more of the following may occur:

(a) The examinee may be denied the privilege of taking the examination if examination subversion is detected before the administration of the examination.

(b) If the examination subversion detected has not yet compromised the integrity of the examination, such steps as are necessary to prevent further examination subversion shall be taken, and the examinee may be permitted to continue with the examination.

(c) The examinee may be requested to leave the examination facility if examination subversion is detected during the examination. If the examinee does not leave the facility, the examinee will be deemed a trespasser.

(d) The examinee's examination results may be voided and the application fee forfeited.

(e) The examinee may not be allowed to sit for an examination for up to three years.

(5) If examination subversion is detected after the administration of the examination, the Board or its designee shall make appropriate inquiry to determine the facts concerning the examination subversion and the Board or its designee may take either or both of the actions described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (4) above, and may also discipline the examinee under the Board’s rules of professional conduct.

(6) Notwithstanding any other rule, the Board or its designee may choose not to release or make available the examination results to examinee or any other person pending the outcome of an investigation into examination subversion.

(7) Voiding any part of an examinee's examination for subversion shall constitute voiding the examinee’s entire examination.

(8) Applicants are required to sign statements regarding examination subversion in order to take an examination. Applicants who refuse to sign statements regarding examination subversion will be denied the privilege of taking the examination and the application fees for the examination paid to the Board are forfeited.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 1-2016, f. & cert. ef. 1-14-16
BEELS 1-2013, f. & cert. ef. 3-13-13
BEELS 4-2012, f. & cert. ef. 9-14-12
BEELS 3-2008, f. & cert. ef. 11-14-08
BEELS 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 3-16-05

Obligation Not to Engage in Unprofessional Behavior

(1) An applicant or registrant will not, by word or conduct, act in a manner intended to place a client, another registrant, a board member, a board employee, an examination proctor, or any other person with whom the registrant interacts in a professional capacity, in fear of imminent serious physical injury.

(2) An applicant or registrant will not engage in reckless, knowing or willful conduct that causes serious physical injury to a client, another registrant, a board member, a board employee, an examination proctor, or any other person with whom the registrant interacts in a professional capacity.

(3) An applicant or registrant must make timely and full payment to the Board of all Board assessed fees, fines and penalties.

(4) An applicant or registrant must give written notification to the Board of any disciplinary action or sanction related to the practice of engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetric mapping imposed by any licensing agency within 45-days of the final order being issued.

(5) An applicant or registrant will not assist or aid the unsupervised or unlawful practice of engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetric mapping.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 1-2021, amend filed 01/12/2021, effective 01/12/2021
BEELS 4-2019, amend filed 05/09/2019, effective 05/09/2019
BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06
BEELS 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 3-16-05

Address Changes; Service of Notice; and Name Changes

(1) It is the registrant's responsibility to inform the Board in writing, within 30-days, of any address change.

(2) As of November 13, 2015, notice by registered or certified mail to the registrant's last address on file with the Board shall constitute legal service.

(3) It is the registrant’s responsibility to inform the Board in writing, within 60-days, of any name change. A certified copy of documentation showing current legal name must be submitted.

(4) The Board shall provide an acknowledgement of any address or name change.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 372.325
BEELS 12-2018, amend filed 11/15/2018, effective 11/15/2018
BEELS 10-2018, temporary amend filed 09/20/2018, effective 09/20/2018 through 03/18/2019
BEELS 8-2015, f. & cert. ef. 11-13-15
BEELS 5-2015(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-19-15 thru 2-12-16

Unprofessional Conduct

Incompetence, negligence or gross negligence in the practice engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetric mapping is unprofessional conduct.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670.310, ORS 672.255 & ORS 672.325
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.325
BEELS 5-2019, adopt filed 05/15/2019, effective 05/15/2019
BEELS 3-2019, temporary adopt filed 03/15/2019, effective 03/15/2019 through 09/10/2019