Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Building Codes Division - Chapter 918

Division 283

Procedures for Submitting Training Proposals

The employer shall submit to the board a detailed description of the electrical training program in a recognized branch of the electrical trade the employer will conduct.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0010
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, ef. 5-1-72; Renumbered from 814-022-0002

Program Description

Program description shall include:

(1) The term of on-the-job training including any procedures for evaluating and crediting prior electrical experience of the trainee;

(2) A breakdown of work categories and the number of hours of on-the-job training to be devoted to each category;

(3) Provisions for related instructional training, including:

(a) The total hours or related training in addition to the on-the-job training;

(b) A breakdown of the related training into the segments of instruction and hours to be devoted to each segment;

(c) The location and hours of the related training; and

(d) The name of the related training instructor and the instructor’s qualifications in subject matter or the name of the correspondence course, together with any supplemental material to be used; and

(4) The type and degree of on-the-job supervision of the trainee, including provision for assigning trainees to work under the supervision of a licensed electrical journeyman or supervising electrician to insure the safety of all employees.

(5) The employer shall establish:

(a) Procedures for periodic evaluation and reporting of the trainee’s progress and records which shall be made available to the division upon request;

(b) Methods of evaluating the trainee and reporting the evaluations at least annually to the division. Evaluations on division forms shall include rating the trainee’s on-the-job progress by the instructor or through a correspondence course; and

(c) Criteria for disciplining, reassigning, or terminating the trainee for failure to progress in training.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0015
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, ef. 5-1-72; Renumbered from 814-022-0005

Standards for Approval of Electrical Training Programs

The following training standards for approval of programs are established. When the training program appears to prepare the trainee for the limited journeyman manufacturing plant license, the division may waive any of the following minimum requirements and approve the employer’s training program. The division shall consider the terms and conditions of any collective bargaining agreement covering work to be performed.

(1) The term of training shall be for at least four years and not more than five years including any credit given for prior experience.

(2) The on-the-job experience for a limited journeyman manufacturing plant electrician license shall provide at least 4,000 hours in the following classifications:

(a) Installation of electrical circuits, 1,000 hours;

(b) Motors and generators, 500 hours;

(c) Manual and automatic controls, including magnetic and solid state, 1,000 hours;

(d) Trouble shooting, 500 hours; and

(e) Power distribution, 1,000 hours.

(3) In addition to the 4,000 hours, the balance of the hours of on-the-job training shall be in training appropriate for the license.

(4) Related Training Classes. Classes of at least 96 classroom hours per year shall be given until a total of 384 hours is completed, or its rated equivalent in a correspondence course. Related training shall:

(a) Include fundamental electricity, electrical mathematics, the National Electrical Code, electrical theory, safety and accident training, electrical nomenclature, industrial electronics, materials, tools and equipment, layout and blueprint reading; and

(b) Be given by a qualified instructor, or through a division-approved correspondence course.

(5) The ratio of trainees employed by each employer at each plant shall not exceed one trainee to the first journeyman and one trainee to each additional two journeymen. Trainees employed on any work shift shall be under the direct supervision of a journeyman or supervising electrician on the same shift at the same plant.

(6) The trainee shall receive at least 50 percent of the journeyman’s wage paid by the employer when starting this program.

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0020
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, ef. 5-1-72; Renumbered from 814-022-0010

Responsibilities of the Employer

The employer is responsible to see the trainee receives the necessary on-the-job training experience and related technical instruction.

(1) The employer shall register all trainees with the division and make annual trainee progress reports on division forms. No later than at the end of five years, the employer shall notify the division and the trainee of trainee’s eligibility to take the examination.

(2) The division shall furnish each registered trainee in an approved program an identification card semi-annually. The identification card, signed by the Chief Electrical Inspector, shall be mailed to the employer. The employer and the trainee shall sign the card. The trainee shall keep the card in trainee’s possession while a registered trainee. The identification card serves as the trainee’s license, permitting the trainee to perform appropriate electrical work while in training and under the direct supervision of a properly licensed journeyman or supervising electrician on the same shift at the same plant. If the trainee is terminated or removed from the training program, the employer shall return the identification card to the division or notify the division in writing.

(3) The identification card shall be furnished free until the trainee passes the examination or for the maximum period allowed to complete training. If the trainee fails the examination after completion of the maximum training period, trainee’s license shall be renewed for not more than two six-month periods of training, and the trainee shall be given one opportunity during each period to pass the examination. If the trainee fails to pass the last examination, trainee’s name shall be removed from the employer’s training program, the trainee license shall be canceled, and the employer shall cease to employ the trainee on any electrical work for which trainee does not have a license.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0025
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, cert. ef. 5-1-72, Renumbered from 814-022-0015

Compliance with Approved Programs

The division may:

(1) Make periodic inspections of any employer conducting an approved electrical training program to insure the program is proceeding in the manner approved by the division and that the trainee is making satisfactory progress;

(2) Examine the training records of registered trainees, discuss the training program and the trainee’s progress with the trainee’s supervisor and related training instructor, observe the trainee in on-the-job or related training situations and interview the trainee;

(3) Investigate any evidence of an employer’s failure to register trainees in an approved electrical training program;

(4) Suspend the training program if an employer fails to submit required periodic training reports; and

(5) Investigate failures by an employer’s trainees to pass the examination.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0030
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, ef. 5-1-72; Renumbered from 814-022-0020

Procedures to Revoke Programs and Licenses of Trainees

(1) When the division has evidence the employer is not conducting approved training, the division shall notify the employer in writing of employer’s right to a hearing to present evidence in support of the training program.

(2) After hearing, the division shall determine whether the employer has failed to conduct an adequate program.

(3) If the division rules that the employer has failed to conduct an adequate program, the training program may be suspended until the employer brings the program up to approved standards.

(4) If the employer continues to fail to meet basic standards for training, the division may revoke approval of the employer as a training facility and the training licenses of those trainees registered with the employer.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-250-0035
DC 10, f. 4-13-72, cert. ef. 5-1-72, Renumbered from 814-022-0025