Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Health Authority

Public Employees' Benefit Board - Chapter 101

Division 30

Continuation of Group Medical and Dental Insurance Coverage for Employees Covered under the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) — ORS 659A.150-186

(1) A permanent, temporary or impermanent benefit eligible employee who qualifies for OFLA leave will continue benefits as outlined in OAR 101-020-0005 according to the their benefit eligible current stability status at the time the leave starts.

(2) When benefits continue during OFLA because of the employee’s current benefit eligible stability status, refer to OAR 101-20-0002(7)(d) for employee premium payment requirements.

(3) If active employee’s PEBB insurance coverage ends, the employee will receive a COBRA election notice. See OAR 101-030-0005.

(4) See OAR 101-020-0045 Returning to Work.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 243.061-302 & 659A.150-186
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 243.061-302 & 659A.150-186
PEBB 1-2015, f. & cert. ef. 5-12-15
PEBB 3-2014(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-12-14 thru 5-10-15
PEBB 2-2007, f. 9-28-07, cert. ef. 10-1-07
PEBB 3-2004, f. & cert. ef. 10-7-04
PEBB 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 7-2-04
PEBB 1-1999, f. 12-8-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00

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