Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Emergency Management

Chapter 104

Division 20

Drill Requirements

Those required to conduct the drill are certain office employees of state and local agencies and certain office employees of other employers who have 250 or more full-time employees.

(1) State and local agencies

(a) State and local agencies fall under the drill requirement regardless of the type (full and part time) and number of employees and number of works sites.

(b) All office employees are required to drill, except where there is a mix of office and non-office employees at a work site. If the office employees at a mixed work site are in the majority they are required to drill. If not, they are not required to drill. If an agency has more than one work site, each work site is evaluated separately according to this majority rule. A work site is defined as a site that has one street address, which may contain one or more buildings.

(2) Private and non-governmental employers with 250 or more full time employees

(a) Employers with 250 or more full time employees fall under the drill requirement regardless of the number of work sites. The 250 or more full-time employees include all full time employees.

(b) All office employees (including both full and part time) are required to drill, except where there is a mix of office and non-office employees at a work site. If the office employees at the mixed work site are in the majority they are required to drill. If not, they are not required to drill. If an employer has more than one work site, each work site is evaluated separately according to this majority rule. A work site is defined as a site that has one street address, which may contain one or more buildings.

Statutory/Other Authority: Ch. 366 & OL 2001
Statutes/Other Implemented: Ch. 366 & OL 2001
OEM 1-2013, f. 12-17-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14
OEM 1-2002, f. & cert. ef. 4-15-02

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