Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Emergency Management

Chapter 104

Division 80

Obtaining ANI and ALI Information without an Emergency Call and performing a reverse lookup

(1) Queries of a provider’s ANI and ALI database by a primary PSAP, in the absence of an emergency call, are limited to situations in which such action is necessary to locate an individual who may be at risk of death or immediate serious physical harm, poll records to ensure accuracy, or verify MSAG, ANI and ALI data. Queries may include automated or manual reverse lookup, ANI and ALI dip, and the pinging of wireless devices.

(2) A database provider must provide access to ANI or ALI data upon request of a primary PSAP. The database provider must make ANI or ALI data available in a timely manner to meet the requirements of OAR 104, Division 080, and any applicable local or federal requirements.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 403.120; 2015 HB 2426
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 403 & 2015 HB 2426
OEM 3-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12-1-15

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