Oregon Secretary of State

Long Term Care Ombudsman

Chapter 114

Division 4

Designee Assignments

(1) The Ombudsman shall assign a designee to particular long term care facilities or to act as a back-up designee. Designees shall not be assigned to a long term care facility where an immediate family member is a resident.

(2) Each designee’s contract shall identify the long term care facility or facilities specifically assigned to that designee, unless the designee is assigned as a back-up designee. A designee shall not have access, as a designee, to any long term care facility other than the ones specifically named in the designee’s contract, unless the designee is requested to enter another long term care facility by that facility’s assigned designee, the District Facilitator or the Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman.

(3) A back-up designee’s contract shall allow the designee access, as a designee, to any long term care facility when requested to by the assigned designee, the District Facilitator or the Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 441
LTCO 1-1989, f. 1-19-89, cert. ef. 2-1-89

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