Oregon Secretary of State

Long Term Care Ombudsman

Chapter 114

Division 4

Duties of Designees

A designee shall:

(1) Visit each assigned long term care facility on a regular basis:

(a) Upon arrival and departure, inform a specified staff member;

(b) Review any problems or concerns relating to the assigned long term care facility with administrators or persons in charge or their representatives provided that confidentiality requirements are met; and

(c) Visit individual residents and resident councils.

(2) Maintain liaison with appropriate agencies and the Ombudsman Program;

(3) Submit in writing monthly reports to the Ombudsman Program on forms provided by the Ombudsman Program;

(4) Keep residents and long term care staff informed of the Ombudsman Program;

(5) Periodically review the patient’s bill of rights with residents, families, guardians, administrators and staff;

(6) Investigate complaints made by residents or for residents of long term care facilities about administrative actions that may adversely affect a resident’s health, safety, welfare or rights;

(7) Attempt to resolve problems between residents and the long term care facility through mediation, negotiation, persuasion and referral;

(8) Report all apparent cases of patient abuse pursuant to ORS 441.630; and

(9) Perform other related duties as specified by the Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 441
LTCO 1-1989, f. 1-19-89, cert. ef. 2-1-89

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