Oregon Secretary of State

Employment Relations Board

Chapter 115

Division 10

Purpose of Rules

The purpose of these rules is to implement and give effect to the provisions of state law in achieving the following objectives:

(1) To provide uniform procedures to resolve questions of representation, unit clarification and deauthorization.

(2) To remedy statutorily defined unfair labor practices.

(3) To render assistance to employers and employee organizations in resolving their differences without resort to strikes, lockouts or other forms of conflict.

(4) To foster and protect a merit system of personnel administration in state government.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 240.086(3) & 243.766(7)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 240 & 243
ERB 1-2016, f. 11-9-16, cert. ef. 2-1-17
ERB 1-1980, f. & ef. 1-9-80

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