Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Business Development Department

Chapter 123

Division 51

Program Information

(1) The Authority shall prepare a Grant Application Package. The application package may contain a guidance document, application forms, and other supplementary information that may help eligible applicants prepare grant applications.

(2) The guidance document will include a description of eligibility criteria, and ranking factors used to evaluate and select applications for funding.

(3) The Grant Application Package on file with the Authority is incorporated as part of these rules by reference.

(4) The Authority will provide to Seismic Rehabilitation grantee a Grant Contract which specifies legal requirements for grant management, reporting, and record keeping, and the Authority's monitoring and grant closeout procedures.

(5) The Authority shall administer Seismic Rehabilitation Grants in compliance with the requirements of applicable statutes, rules, and the Grant Guidance Document.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 285A.093, 285A.098, 401.910 & 2013 OL Ch. 782
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 285A.093, 285A.098 & 401.910
OBDD 13-2013, f. 12-30-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14

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