Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Business Development Department

Chapter 123

Division 500


(1) “Cultural Organization” means an organization defined in ORS 359.400.

(2) “Cultural Trust Board” means the board established by ORS 359.410.

(3) “Cultural Coalition” is a group organized in an Oregon county or within a federally recognized Indian Tribe, in Oregon to identify priorities and specific strategies for building public participation in culture. Each coalition will include representation from the arts, heritage, humanities and other organizations relevant to community cultural participation, including without limitation, educational institutions, libraries, media or businesses, and reflect the diversity of the County or Tribe. The primary purpose of the coalition is to develop a cultural plan for the area served and to award and monitor grant funds awarded to address cultural goals.

(4) “Cultural Plan” means a local plan that identifies priorities and specific strategies to build public participation in cultural disciplines and organizations within the local area. Plans will include benchmarks to measure progress against stated goals.

(5) “Core Partner Agencies” means the agencies described in ORS 359.400(2).

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 359.416
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 359.400 - 359.444
OBDD 6-2010, f. 2-25-10, cert. ef. 3-1-10
EDD 3-2009, f. 4-30-09, cert. ef. 5-1-09

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