Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Business Development Department

Chapter 123

Division 630


The department may give preference to applications for projects in traded sectors as identified by the Commission in the Strategic Plan and that demonstrates overall community benefit and have one or more of the following characteristics:

(1) Produce goods that directly reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or are designed as environmentally sensitive replacements for products in current use;

(2) Have a primary purpose of improving the environment or reducing emissions of greenhouse gases;

(3) Are operated by businesses with 100 or fewer employees;

(4) Are located in rural or distressed areas of the state;

(5) Employ displaced workers in the area;

(6) Assist in the economic diversification of the area;

(7) Contain a significant amount of owner equity capital. At least ten percent of the project costs for established companies and 30 percent of project costs for start-ups should come from equity or subordinated loans from the owners;

(8) Encourage the flow of capital from outside the local area; or

(9) Do not cause adverse competitive disadvantages to existing businesses.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 285C.650 & 315.526 – 315.536
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 285C.650 & 315.526 – 315.536
OBDD 6-2014, f. & cert. ef. 4-1-14
OBDD 9-2012, f. & cert. ef. 6-1-12

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