Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Administrative Services

Chapter 125

Division 75

Possession or Use of Firearms, Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Substances on the Grounds, Parking Areas (Structures, Facilities, Lots) and Premises of Buildings Under Department Control

(1)(a) Possession or use of firearms or other weapons of any kind, including any explosives, air guns, or slingshots on the grounds, parking areas (structures, facilities, lots) and premises of buildings under Department control is governed by federal and state laws.

(b) The provisions of this section do not apply to firearms in the possession of or stored for official public business authorized by statute for peace officers or for members of any state or national military organization.

(2)(a) The sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages are governed by federal and state laws, local ordinances, and regulations in compliance with a permit. Visitors to any grounds, parking areas (structures, facilities, lots) and premises of buildings under Department control must comply with any directives given to them by law enforcement authorities and employees specifically designated by the Department to investigate observed or reported violations and to issue oral or written warnings or citations to enforce Department rules.

(b) Wine is permitted when stored or used for official public business by the Department of Agriculture under ORS Chapter 576;

(c) Alcoholic beverages are permitted if stored legally in any private vehicle in transit through or while legally parked on the grounds, parking areas (structures, facilities, lots) and premises of buildings under Department control.

(3)(a) It is unlawful for any person to possess illegal drugs on the grounds, parking areas (structures, facilities, lots) and premises of buildings under Department control.

(b) Illegal drug activities are subject to federal and state laws; local ordinances and regulations; and State Policy 50.000.01 Drug-Free Workplace. Any person who uses, possesses, or distributes illegal drugs on the grounds, parking areas (structures, facilities, lots) and premises of buildings under Department control is subject to criminal prosecution by state and federal authorities.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 276 & 283
DAS 1-2009, f. & cert. ef. 1-6-09
GS 3-1983, f. & ef. 1-19-83

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