Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Administrative Services

Chapter 125

Division 90


(1) DAS shall investigate and administer the application of these rules in the Parking Facilities, with its own personnel or it may enter into agreements with other State Agencies, public jurisdictions or private concerns to provide such services.

(2) DAS may enter into agreements with local jurisdictions to adjudicate Parking citations issued in accordance with these rules.

(a) Such an agreement exists with the City of Salem, the Parking Facilities in the City of Salem, in accordance with Salem Revised Code, Chapter 102. Citations shall be processed and prosecuted in the Municipal Court of the City of Salem.

(b) Such an agreement exists with Multnomah County, the Parking Facilities at the Portland State Office Building. Citations shall be processed and prosecuted in the District Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County.

(3) Parking Facilities shall be subject to all local Parking and traffic ordinances. Such ordinances are adopted and made a part of this rule.

(4) Bails and penalties shall be as indicated on the citation.

(5) Motor Vehicles found to be in violation of these rules may be impounded in place or towed away. Motor Vehicles towed away will be impounded by the towing company called out to perform the tow. If contacted by the Motor Vehicle owner, DAS will provide the name and phone number of the tow company in possession of the Motor Vehicle. The tow company shall follow all ORS’ and rules applicable to towed and impounded Motor Vehicles. All fines, tow charges, and impound charges applicable to the removal of the Motor Vehicle are the responsibility of the Motor Vehicle owner and shall be paid solely by the Motor Vehicle owner directly to the towing company.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 98.805 - 98.818, 184.340, 276.591 - 276.601 & 283.100
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 98.805, 276.591, 276.594 & 276.601
DAS 1-2021, amend filed 06/16/2021, effective 07/01/2021
DAS 7-2009, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-09
DASII 1-1996, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-96

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