Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Justice

Chapter 137

Division 5

Agreement to Collaborate

In preparation for, or in the course of, a collaborative DR process the agency and the other participants may enter into a written agreement to collaborate. This agreement may include:

(1) A brief description of the dispute or the issues to be resolved;

(2) A list of the participants;

(3) A description of the proposed collaborative DR process;

(4) An estimated starting date and ending date for the process;

(5) A statement whether the collaborative DR provider will receive compensation and, if so, who will be responsible for its payment;

(6) A description of the process, including, but not limited to: the role of witnesses, and whether and how counsel may participate in the process;

(7) Consistent with applicable statute and rules, a statement regarding the degree to which the proceedings or communications made during the course of the collaborative DR process are confidential; and

(8) A description of the likely means of enforcing any agreement or settlement that may result.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 183.341 & 183.502
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 183.502
DOJ 9-2001, f. & cert. ef. 10-3-01
DOJ 10-1999, f. 12-23-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00
JD 1-1997, f. 3-28-97, cert. ef. 4-1-97

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