Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Revenue

Chapter 150

Division 457

Minimum Public Information on Division of Tax

(1) The assessor of a county in which any taxing district has urban renewal excess value must make available to the public information concerning the urban renewal division of tax amounts. The information must be readily accessible to the public in either print or electronic form.

(a) The content must include:

(A) The name of the county;

(B) The number of urban renewal agencies in the county;

(C) The total dollar amount of taxes imposed by all taxing districts that was allocated to all of the urban renewal agencies in the county for the tax year immediately prior to the current tax year; and

(D) The total dollar amount of taxes imposed for the urban renewal agencies in the county as special levies, if any, for the tax year immediately prior to the current tax year.

(b) The following example meets the information requirements:

Example: Some of the taxes imposed for the taxing districts in County X were allocated to two urban renewal agencies. For tax year 2000-2001, $3,820,268 out of a total $229,299,593 taxes imposed by all taxing districts in the county were allocated to the urban renewal agencies. In addition, $1,254,320 was imposed for the urban renewal agencies as special levies.

(2) The county must also describe where additional information about urban renewal may be obtained.

Example: Anyone interested in obtaining more information about the amount of money distributed to urban renewal may contact the assessor’s office at (telephone number) or through e-mail at (e-mail address) or (urban renewal agency name) at (telephone number) or (e-mail address).

(3) Nothing in this rule prohibits a county from making available to the public more information about urban renewal.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 305.100
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 457.440
Renumbered from 150-457.440(9)-(A), REV 39-2016, f. 8-12-16, cert. ef. 9-1-16
REV 3-2001, f. 7-31-01, cert. ef. 8-1-01

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