Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Revenue

Chapter 150

Division 457

Notice of Plan Adoption or Area Change

An urban renewal agency’s notice to the assessor of a plan adoption or amendment to a plan area must provide the following information:

(1) A legal description of the plan area boundary, or the boundary of the amended area of the plan, that includes the information required by ORS 308.225(2)(b);

(2) An accurate map showing the boundary line of the plan area or the boundary of the amended area of the plan;

(3) The date the plan or plan amendment was approved; and

(4) The name of the plan area.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 305.100.
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 457.450(1).
Renumbered from 150-457.450(1), REV 39-2016, f. 8-12-16, cert. ef. 9-1-16
REV 2-2005, f. 6-27-05, cert. ef 6-30-05

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