Oregon Secretary of State

Secretary of State

Elections Division - Chapter 165

Division 1

Complaint Requirements

(1) Any complaint filed pursuant to ORS 260.205 or ORS 260.345 must be signed by an elector of the State of Oregon.

(2) A complaint filed pursuant to ORS 260.345 which is filed with an elections filing officer other than the State Elections Division shall be delivered by the filing officer to the State Elections Division within one business day.

(3) The complaint may be delivered by electronic mail to elections.sos@state.or.us, by facsimile to 503-373-7414 or by mail or personal delivery to 255 Capitol Street NE, Suite 501, Salem, OR 97310.

Statutory/Other Authority: 260.345 & ORS 246.150
Statutes/Other Implemented: 260.345, ORS 246.232, 260.205 & 260.995
ELECT 7-2020, amend filed 06/11/2020, effective 06/11/2020
ELECT 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 7-6-16
ELECT 15-2015, f. 12-31-15, cert. ef. 1-1-16

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