Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Chapter 274

Division 6

Hiring or Appointing on a Preliminary Basis

(1) If the Department elects to conduct a criminal records check pursuant to these rules, the Department, in its sole discretion, may hire or appoint the subject individual on a preliminary basis pending completion of a criminal records check when:

(a) The subject individual has provided all information (including a fingerprint card, if requested) as required by the Department pursuant to OAR 274-006-0005; and

(b) The Department, in its sole discretion, determines that preliminary hiring is in the Department’s best interests.

(2) A subject individual hired or appointed on a preliminary basis under this rule may participate in training, orientation, or work activities as assigned by the Department.

(3) A subject individual hired or appointed on a preliminary basis is deemed to be on trial service.

(4) Nothing in this rule shall be construed as requiring the Department to hire on a preliminary basis.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 181.534, 406.005, 406.030 & 2009 SB 94
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 181.534, 406.005, 406.030 & 2009 SB 94
DVA 1-2009, f. 12-22-09 cert. ef. 1-1-10

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