Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Human Services

Aging and People with Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities - Chapter 411

Division 67

Transfer of Ownership

(1) A certificate of registration is not transferable.

(2) A registered provider who wishes to sell, transfer ownership, or lease any CCRC or CCRC facility must obtain approval from the Division. The Division shall grant approval when the requirements of sections (3) and (4) of this rule have been met.

(3) Prior to taking over ownership or operation of the CCRC or CCRC facility, the purchasing provider must obtain a certificate of registration as described in OAR 411-067-0020.

(4) If the purchasing provider already has a certificate of registration, then the purchasing provider's certificate of registration must be amended to include the newly purchased CCRC or CCRC facility prior to taking over ownership or operation of the newly purchased CCRC or CCRC facility.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 101.150 & 410.090
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 101.100
SPD 8-2011, f. 3-31-11, cert. ef. 4-1-11
SSD 9-1990, f. & cert. ef. 3-26-90

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