Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Human Services

Child Welfare Programs - Chapter 413

Division 15


(1) The purpose of these rules, OAR 413-015-1200 to 413-015-1230, is to describe Child Welfare’s responsibility to assess an individual for consideration as a safety service provider and to determine whether the individual is suitable as a safety service provider.

(2) An individual employed by an agency providing services to a family through a current contract with Child Welfare is not covered under these rules.

(3) Requirements for the assessment of an individual for the purpose of ongoing connection and support with a child or certification as a resource parent or respite provider are not covered under these rules.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 418.005
CWP 85-2023, amend filed 10/24/2023, effective 11/01/2023
CWP 29-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023
CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018
CWP 52-2018, temporary amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 through 12/25/2018
CWP 9-2010, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-10

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