Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Human Services

Child Welfare Programs - Chapter 413

Division 310


"Overpayment" is defined for purposes of these rules as a payment for child care or treatment services and for related services to a family made by SOSCF, on behalf of a client, that either is paid to an ineligible provider or that exceeds the amount authorized by terms of the contract, SOSCF policies and rules, or law. An overpayment includes payments where a service provider is paid:

(1) Beyond an authorization date or contract end date;

(2) In excess of what is authorized;

(3) For services not provided;

(4) For services not meeting policy criteria;

(5) Under circumstances of Erroneous Payments Based on Error or Fraud described in OAR 413-310-0200 through 0240.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 418.005
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 293.250 - 293.260
SOSCF 34-2000, f. & cert. ef. 12-14-00

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