Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Early Learning and Care

Chapter 414

Division 350

Arrival and Departure

(1) The provider shall require that the person bringing the child to the certified family child care home remain with the child until the child is accepted by a caregiver.

(2) The provider shall release a child only to a parent or another person named and identified by the parent. The provider shall verify the identification of any person who picks up a child.

(3) If a school-age child arrives at or leaves the home without a parent, there shall be arrangements in advance, in writing, from the parent for the arrival and departure times and what the provider will do if the child has not arrived by the expected time.

(4) The provider must notify parents if there will be a substitute caregiver and the caregiver's name or if the children will be away from the home for any part of the day for visits, field trips, or any other activity off the premises. In the event of an emergency, a good faith effort will be made to notify parents that a substitute will be caring for the children.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.260
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.260 & 329A.280
DELC 19-2023, minor correction filed 10/20/2023, effective 10/20/2023
Reverted to CCD 3-2002, f. 10-14-02, cert. ef. 10-15-02
CCD 4-2009(Temp), f. 12-30-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10 thru 6-30-10
CCD 3-2002, f. 10-14-02, cert. ef. 10-15-02
CCD 1-1995, f. 10-30-95, cert. ef. 11-1-95
CCD 1-1994, f. & cert. ef. 1-12-94, Renumbered from 412-010-0724
CSD 2-1989, f. & cert. ef. 1-25-89
CSD 12-1988, f. 6-29-88, cert. ef. 7-1-88

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