Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Workers' Compensation Board - Chapter 438

Division 11

Review; Board Order; Reconsideration

(1) The Board order on review shall set forth:

(a) The parties;

(b) The issues;

(c) The reviewing members;

(d) The Board’s decision and

(e) Shall advise all parties of appeal rights.

(2) A request for reconsideration of a Board order shall include a concise statement of the reason(s) reconsideration is requested. An order on reconsideration shall state whether or not the original order is withdrawn for reconsideration.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 656.726(5)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 656.295(5) & 656.718
WCB 3-2001, f. 11-14-01, cert. ef. 1-1-02
WCB 5-1987, f. 12-18-87, ef. 1-1-88
WCB 4-1987, f. 11-6-87, ef. 11-16-87
Reverted to WCB 1-1987, f. 3-4-87, ef. 4-15-87
WCB 1-1987, f. 3-4-87, ef. 4-15-87
WCB 2-1987(Temp), f. 4-13-87, ef. 4-15-87
WCB 5-1986(Temp), f. 10-30-86, ef. 11-1-86

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