Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Director's Office - Chapter 440

Division 5

Payment for Inspection and Copies of Public Records

(1) A person who is receiving a copy of a public record or information from a public record shall pay for the department's actual cost for:

(a) Staff time necessary to locate and handle the records, to delete material exempt from disclosure and to supervise the inspection by the requester;

(b) Producing the copy or the information; and

(c) Other supplies or services necessary to furnish the copy or information.

(2) If the cost of providing the records is higher than $25, the department will provide a written cost estimate to the requestor. The requestor must confirm whether he or she wants the department to proceed with responding to the request.

(3) The director may reduce or waive payment of the fee for access of a public record if the director determines that the reduction or waiver will aid the effective administration of department operations or if the release of the information benefits the general public.

(4) The director shall not require payment of fees for the first copy of publications, statutes, administrative rules or public records from public libraries, public educational institutions, or from a federal, state, county or city agency participating in a cooperative program with the department or any company or individual who is the subject of documents such as workers' compensation claim files.

(5) The requester shall pay all fees for access of a public record in advance unless later payment is approved by the director.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 192.430, 192.440, 656.726, 697.732, 731.244, 731.282, 731.284 & 731.804
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 192.440
DO 2-2010, f. 4-15-10, cert. ef. 5-1-10
DCBS 2-1994, f. 7-8-94, cert. ef. 8-1-94
IF 2-1990, f. & cert. ef. 6-4-90
IF 1-1989, f. 6-7-89, cert. ef. 6-15-89

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