Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Director's Office - Chapter 440

Division 15

Reporting of Indebtedness and Interests

If the director or a division administrator believes that a Department employee is engaged in a conflict of interest, or is in a situation that has the potential of being or of appearing to be a conflict of interest, in violation of the provisions of ORS Chapter 244, ORS 731.228, or any other statutes, rules, and policies applicable to indebtedness, financial interests, or conflicts of interest of employees of the Department, the Director or administrator may require the employee to complete a financial disclosure form prescribed by the Director. The Director or division administrator may also reassign the employee’s duties to eliminate the potential conflict or take any other reasonable actions necessary to resolve the potential conflict.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 705.135
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 244 & 705.135
DO 1-2010, f. 1-28-10, cert. ef. 2-1-10

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