Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Human Services

Self-Sufficiency Programs - Chapter 461

Division 135

Hearings for DSNAP

(1) A household denied emergency SNAP benefits is entitled to an expedited hearing as provided under OAR 461-025-0315.

(2) A household requesting a hearing must be offered an immediate supervisory review of its case.

(3) The supervisory review does not replace the expedited hearing. If the situation is resolved by the supervisory review:

(a) The request for a hearing may be withdrawn if the client withdraws the hearing in writing; or

(b) The Department may request a final order that documents the agreed resolution under OAR 137-003-0510(4) and 137-003-0665(5).

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 411.816
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 411.816
SSP 4-2007, f. 3-30-07, cert. ef. 4-1-07

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