Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Human Services

Self-Sufficiency Programs - Chapter 461

Division 191

Client Eligibility

(1) USDA foods shall be made available to low income households. Indication of participation in such programs as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, SSI, State General Assistance, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance and the Oregon Supplemental Income Program shall establish a household's eligibility under the program. No letter or other verifying document is required.

(2) Households may establish their eligibility to participate in the program through a self-declaration of income at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty line.

(3) Eligibility determination is made by specific eligibility screening guidelines and shall be uniform statewide. The Department does not require any eligibility requirements other than what is required within the federal guidelines for 7 CFR 251.5. The criteria must be:

(a) Income for households meets the low-income poverty guidelines set forth by the income guidelines for the current year. Eligible households in need of food assistance because of inadequate household income may receive TEFAP USDA foods by signing a statement that declares that their income is at or below 185% of the federal poverty level.

(b) Household must reside in the geographic location served by the distribution site at the time of applying for assistance, but length of residency shall not be used as an eligibility criterion. Households should not be denied service for the reason that they are in transit from one locality to another.

(4) Each distribution site must ensure households demonstrate eligibility as described in section (3) or by self-declaration.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 411.060
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 411.060
Renumbered from 813-220-0020, SSP 30-2015, f. & cert. ef. 10-9-15
OHCS 15-2015, f. & cert. ef. 8-25-15
OHCS 20-2014(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 2-10-14 thru 7-25-14
OHCS 10-2014(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 1-27-14 thru 7-25-14
OHCS 3-2008, f. & cert. ef. 3-31-08
OHCS 3-2003, f. & cert. ef. 5-12-03
HSG 8-1992, f. & cert. ef. 7-29-92, Renumbered from 410-090-0010
HR 2-1985, f. & cert. ef. 2-5-85
HR 1-1984, f. & cert. ef. 5-30-84
HR 2-1983(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-28-83

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