Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Education

Chapter 581

Division 15

Failure to Appear at a Hearing

(1) When a parent, having requested a hearing, fails to appear at the specified time and place, the administrative law judge must enter a decision which supports the school district action.

(2) The decision supporting the school district's action must set forth the material on which the action is based, or the material must be attached to and made a part of the decision.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 343.041, 343.045, 343.055, 343.155 & 343.165
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 343.155 & 343.165
Renumbered from 581-015-0084, ODE 10-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-25-07
EB 11-1995, f. & cert. ef. 5-25-95
1EB 5-1980, f. 2-22-80, ef. 2-23-80
1EB 18-1979(Temp), f. & ef. 11-15-79
1EB 269, f. & ef. 12-22-77

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