Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Education

Chapter 581

Division 15

Requirements of an Interim Alternative Educational Setting

An interim alternative educational setting under OAR 581-015-2415 and 581-015-2425 must:

(1) Be determined by the child’s IEP team; and

(2) Enable the child to:

(a) Continue to participate in the general curriculum, although in another setting; and

(b) Progress toward achieving the goals in the child's IEP.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 343.041, 343.045 & 343.155
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 343.155 & 34 CFR 300.530
Renumbered from 581-015-0557, ODE 10-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-25-07
ODE 35-1999, f. 12-13-99, cert. ef. 12-14-99

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