Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Department of Education

Chapter 581

Division 21

District School Board Proceedings

Questions of school officers and others concerning the proper administration of the school laws and rules of the Oregon State Board of Education shall be submitted to the Superintendent of the respective county. If the Superintendent is not prepared to answer any question of law submitted to him, he may submit the same in writing to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, giving all the essential facts and stating the point of inquiry in the form of a direct question. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall answer all such inquiries, securing an opinion of the Attorney General when necessary.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 326
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 326.310
1EB 134, f. 7-5-72, ef. 7-15-72
1EB 118, f. 11-28-67, ef. 12-25-67

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