Oregon Secretary of State

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission

Chapter 584

Division 21

Incomplete Applications

(1) An incomplete application will not be processed. During the ninety (90) days following the evaluation which determined that the application was incomplete, an applicant may resubmit the application with additional supporting documents necessary for the evaluation for the certificate. If the applicant is eligible, a certificate will be issued at no additional cost. Materials provided following the expiration of ninety (90) days must be accompanied by a new evaluation fee.

(2) A transcript evaluation which does not result in the issuance of a certificate is retained by TSPC for one year. Upon verification during that time of additional preparation correcting the deficiencies for which the certificate was not issued initially, a certificate will be issued at no additional cost.

(3) If the applicant does not qualify for the certificate within one year from the date of the first evaluation, all documents necessary for reevaluation for the certificate must be resubmitted. The reevaluation will be made under rules which are in effect at the time of the reevaluation and the fee for evaluation of an application must be submitted again.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 342
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 183 & 342.455 –342.495
TSPC 5-2007, f. & cert. ef. 8-15-07
TS 4-1994, f. 7-19-94, cert. ef. 10-15-94
TS 1-1992, f. & cert. ef. 1-15-92
TS 5-1988, f. 10-6-88, cert. ef. 1-15-89
TS 4-1985, f. 10-4-85, ef. 1-1-86
TS 6-1983, f. & ef. 10-18-83
TS 4-1982, f. & ef. 7-22-82

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