Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Agriculture

Chapter 603

Division 28


(1) It is the intent of the Department’s Food Safety Division to promote and enable the Oregon State Legislature’s directive to encourage Oregon-grown poultry production for consumption in the state of Oregon by Oregonians.

(2) Therefore, the Department promulgates two poultry slaughter exemptions. Poultry businesses may qualify for either the Off-Farm Direct Sale Exemption or the On-Farm Direct Sale Exemption. A person claiming both exemptions within a calendar year shall not slaughter more than 1,000 poultry in that calendar year. A poultry business that qualifies for either exemption shall comply with OAR 603-028-0740.

(3) A poultry business that sells poultry from the poultry business, at farmers’ markets, or through other direct sales involving off-farm delivery to customers should refer to the Off-Farm Direct Sale and sanitation requirements found in OAR 603-028-0720 and 603-028-0725.

(4) A poultry business that sells poultry only from the poultry business should refer to the On-Farm Direct Sale Exemption and sanitation requirements found in OAR 603-028-0730 and 603-028-0735.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 561.020, 561.190, 619.046 & (HB 2872 enrolled)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 561.020, 603.085 & 619.046
DOA 10-2012, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-12

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