Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Agriculture

Oregon Hazelnut Commission - Chapter 623

Division 40

Reimbursement for Hiring a Substitute

(1) As used in OAR 623-049-0010, “other expenses” includes expenses incurred by a member of the Oregon Hazelnut Commission in employing a substitute to perform duties, including personal duties, normally performed by the member, which the member is unable to perform because of the performance of official duties and which, by the nature of such duties, cannot be delayed without risk to health or safety.

(2) The amount that a member may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in employing a substitute must not exceed $25 per day, pursuant to ORS 292.495(3).

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 292.495
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 292.495 & 576.206(7)
HZL 1-2021, temporary suspend filed 09/24/2021, effective 09/25/2021 through 03/23/2022
HZL 1-2007, f. & cert. ef. 12-3-07

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