Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Forestry

Chapter 629

Division 65

Appointment Generally

(1) Prior to appointing a member to the OFRI board, the State Forester shall furnish names of all applicants to the State Forester to the current OFRI Board for their review and comment.

(2) The State Forester shall appoint the best qualified applications to fill vacant positions with due consideration of comments provided by the current OFRI Board and in consideration of the geographic diversity of Oregon’s forests.

(3) Upon appointment, the State Forester shall notify the appointees and other applicants of the results.

(4) The State Forester shall within 5 working days of appointments send a certification letter to the Executive Director of OFRI.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 526.041
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 526.610(2)(a)
DOF 4-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-4-04

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