Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 635

Division 1

Information Officers and Certification of Public Records

(1) The following individuals are designated as information officers for all public records requests:

(a) Assistant to the Commission for agendas, reports, correspondence and other files maintained by and for the Commission itself;

(b) Director of the Department, Deputy Directors, Regional Managers, Division Administrators and section heads, for records and files of the Department and its staff;

(c) Each information officer must designate an alternate.

(2) Upon request, the information officer will give a certified copy of any released public record.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 192.314, ORS 192.319 & ORS 192.324
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 192.314, ORS 192.319 & ORS 192.324
DFW 67-2019, amend filed 06/04/2019, effective 06/04/2019
DFW 34-2000, f. & cert. ef. 6-23-00

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