Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Fish and Wildlife

Chapter 635

Division 1

Confidentiality and Inadmissibility of Mediation Communications

Pursuant to ORS 36.224, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife hereby adopts OAR 137-005-0052 as promulgated by the Attorney General and amended in 2018.

Statutory/Other Authority: 2015 SB 189
Statutes/Other Implemented: 2015 SB 189
DFW 98-2021, amend filed 07/13/2021, effective 07/13/2021
DFW 1-2016, f. & cert. ef. 1-6-16
DFW 109-2015(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-14-15 thru 2-8-16

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