Oregon Secretary of State

Land Conservation and Development Department

Chapter 660

Division 8

Housing Capacity Analysis Deadline

Cities described in ORS 197.296(2)(a)(B) and (10)(c)(B) shall demonstrate sufficient Buildable Lands as scheduled by the Commission.

(1) The Department shall publish the calendar of Housing Capacity Analyses deadlines for cities identified under ORS 197.296(2)(a)(B) or (10)(c)(B) in Exhibit A.

(2) The deadline for adoption of a Housing Capacity Analysis in a given year is December 31st.

(3) A city will be considered to have met its obligation to adopt a Housing Capacity Analysis upon adoption of the Housing Capacity Analysis by ordinance. A subsequent appeal of the Housing Capacity Analysis will not be considered a failure to comply with the deadline provided in Exhibit A provided in section (1).

(4) Upon adoption of a Housing Capacity Analysis, the deadline for a subsequent Housing Capacity Analysis is as follows:

(a) Eight years subsequent for cities that are not within a metropolitan service district; or

(b) Six years subsequent for cities that are within a metropolitan service district.

(5) If a population estimate developed under ORS 195.033 and OAR 660-032-0020 and OAR 660-032-0030 results in a city qualifying under ORS 197.296(2)(a)(B) or (10)(c)(B), the city must adopt a Housing Capacity Analysis within two years of its qualification or the interval provided in section (4), whichever is the longer period.

[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here for PDF copy.]

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 197.040
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 197.290, ORS 197.291, ORS 197.293, ORS 197.296 & ORS 197.303
LCDD 2-2024, amend filed 02/06/2024, effective 02/06/2024
LCDD 2-2023, amend filed 02/22/2023, effective 02/22/2023
LCDD 1-2022, amend filed 02/14/2022, effective 02/14/2022
LCDD 17-2020, adopt filed 12/22/2020, effective 01/01/2021

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