Oregon Secretary of State

Water Resources Department

Chapter 690

Division 86

Definitions for Agricultural Water Suppliers

As used in OAR 690-086-0210 to 690-086-0270 and OAR 690-086-0900 to 690-086-0920:

(1) "Agricultural Water Supplier" means any public or private organization, including but not limited to an irrigation district formed under ORS Chapter 545, a drainage district formed under ORS Chapter 547, a water improvement district formed under ORS Chapter 552, a water control district formed under ORS Chapter 553, a corporation organized under ORS Chapter 554, an unincorporated private association or a ditch company, the primary purpose of which is to supply water to others for agricultural uses.

(2) "Agricultural Water Measurement" means using measuring devices, including but not limited to weirs, flumes, submerged orifices, gaging stations, and meters, to quantify the rate of flow and the volume of water in a water delivery system.

(3) "Water Allocation/Curtailment Element" means a program to equitably allocate, under existing priorities, a reduced water supply among the water right holders dependent on the supply in response to an emergency or other short-term shortage.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 536.027, 537.211 & 540.572
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 537.230, 537.630 & 539.010
WRD 7-2018, amend filed 12/21/2018, effective 12/21/2018
WRD 4-2002, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-02, Renumbered from 690-086-0210
WRD 11-1994, f. & cert. ef. 9-21-94

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