Oregon Secretary of State

Water Resources Department

Chapter 690

Division 86

Agricultural Water Supplier Plan Elements

A water management and conservation plan submitted by an agricultural water supplier shall include:

(1) An agricultural water supplier description as described under OAR 690-086-0240;

(2) An agricultural water conservation element as described under OAR 690-086-0250;

(3) An agricultural water allocation/curtailment element as described under OAR 690-086-0260;

(4) An agricultural water supply element as required under OAR 690-086-0270;

(5) A list of the affected local governments to whom the draft plan was made available pursuant to OAR 690-086-0220(6) and a copy of any comments on the plan provided by the local governments;

(6) A proposed date for submittal of an updated plan based on the proposed schedule for implementation of conservation measures, any relevant schedules for other community planning activities, and the rate of growth of or other changes expected by the water supplier; or an explanation of why submittal of an updated plan is unnecessary and should not be required by the Department.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 536.027, 537.211 & 540.572
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 537.230, 537.630 & 539.010
WRD 4-2002, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-02

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