Oregon Secretary of State

Water Resources Department

Chapter 690

Division 310

Final Order for Proposed Use of Ground Water

If, after the contested case hearing or, if a hearing is not held, after the close of the period allowed to file a protest, the Director determines that the proposed use of ground water does not ensure the preservation of the public welfare, safety and health as described in ORS 537.525, the Director shall issue a final order rejecting the application or modifying the proposed final order as necessary to ensure the preservation of the public welfare, safety and health as described in ORS 537.525. If, after the contested case hearing or, if a hearing is not held, after the close of the period allowed to file a protest, the Director determines that the proposed use would ensure the preservation of the public welfare, safety and health as described in ORS 537.525, the Director shall issue a final order approving the application or otherwise modifying the proposed final order. A final order may set forth any of the provisions or restrictions to be included in the permit concerning the use, control and management of the water to be appropriated for the project.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 536.027
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 537.625
WRD 1-1996, f. & cert. ef. 1-31-96

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