Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

Chapter 695

Division 10

Regional Review Process

(1) Prior to the regional review team meeting the regional review team:

(a) Shall receive each application, past evaluations for projects resubmitted in the current grant cycle, and an evaluation sheet to complete for each application;

(b) Is encouraged to visit proposed project sites to enhance the understanding of the proposal. Priority for visitations will be placed on acquisitions, complex projects, new types of projects and projects with a significant budget; and

(c) Shall read and score each application using the evaluation sheets provided. During this process, team members are encouraged to contact the applicants, Board staff, or other agency staff to clarify information in the application or to get expert review.

(2) At the regional review team meeting, the team shall:

(a) Review and evaluate each project individually based on how well the proposed project meets the criteria in 695-010-0060;

(b) Recommend the project as;

(A) Do fund;

(B) Do fund with conditions;

(C) Do not fund; or

(D) Defer to staff or the Board with an explanation, if there is a policy issue or budget issue that needs to be addressed by the Board prior to a funding decision; and

(c) Rank order all projects recommended for funding based on;

(A) How well the project meets the criteria established in 695-010-0030 and 695-010-0060;

(B) The certainty of success, based on the organizational capacity of the applicant and the likelihood the project will meet its ecological objectives;

(C) The benefit to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds, as evidenced by its expected benefits to watershed functions, fish habitat or water quality; and

(D) The project costs relative to the anticipated watershed health benefits.

(3) The project description, summary evaluation and funding recommendation for all projects, and the rank order of projects recommended for funding shall be forwarded from the regional review team to Board staff for their consideration. This information will be sent to all applicants within a region for their region and for all regions to the Board.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 541.906
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 541.890 - 541.969
OWEB 4-2004, f. 11-2-04, cert. ef. 2-1-05

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