Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Board of Dentistry

Chapter 818

Division 15

Specialty Advertising

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 679
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 679.140(2)(e)
OBD 1-2023, repeal filed 06/20/2023, effective 07/01/2023
OBD 1-2021, amend filed 11/08/2021, effective 01/01/2022
OBD 2-2019, amend filed 10/29/2019, effective 01/01/2020
OBD 4-2011, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-11
OBD 1-2010, f. 6-22-10, cert. ef. 7-1-10
OBD 1-2008, f. 11-10-08, cert. ef. 12-1-08
OBD 1-2006, f. 3-17-06, cert. ef. 4-1-06
OBD 5-2001, f. & cert. ef. 1-8-01
DE 3-1997, f. & cert. ef. 8-27-97
DE 1-1990, f. 3-19-90, cert. ef. 4-2-90
DE1-1989, f. 1-27-89, cert. ef. 2-1-89
DE 1-1988, f. 12-28-88, cert. ef. 2-1-89

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