Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Insurance Regulation - Chapter 836

Division 71

Credit for Unregistered Courses

(1) An insurance producer may apply for credit as provided in this rule for a course that is not offered for academic credit and is not registered. In order to apply for credit, the insurance producer must submit to the Director an application on a form provided by the Director and substantiation of the course as provided in this rule. The application and substantiation must be submitted not later than the 180th day after the date of completion of the course.

(2) If an unregistered course is on a subject permitted under OAR 836-071-0230, the insurance producer must substantiate to the Director's satisfaction that the course meets the requirements of OAR 836-071-0225 and 836-071-0230 and that the insurance producer attended and completed the course. To make the substantiation, the insurance producer must submit documentation of the course and proof of attendance provided by the provider concerning the course. The documentation may include, by way of example only, an outline of the course or course materials, workbooks or other materials issued by the provider that show the course work. The Director may request any other information as well, such as times allotted to the parts of the course.

(3) If an unregistered course is not on a subject permitted under OAR 836-071-0230, the insurance producer must substantiate to the Director's satisfaction that the course meets the requirements of 836-071-0225, that the course contributes to the insurance producer's professional competence and will benefit the insurance-buying public and that the insurance producer attended and completed the course. To make the substantiation, the insurance producer must submit documentation provided by the provider concerning the course. The documentation may include, by way of example only, an outline of the course or course materials, workbooks or other materials issued by the provider that show the course work, or proof of passing the final examination for the course or a letter, certificate or other documentation of completion from the provider. The Director may request any other information as well, such as times allotted to the parts of the course.

(4) The application and substantiation required under this rule are subject to review by the Director for the purpose of determining whether to certify the course for credit and evaluating and assigning credit hours. The Director may certify the course, or may reject it if the Director determines that the course does not meet applicable requirements.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 731.244 & 744.072
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 744.072
ID 4-2007, f. 3-6-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08
ID 8-2005, f. 5-18-05, cert. ef. 8-1-05
ID 3-1997, f. 4-7-97, cert. ef. 6-1-97
ID 3-1990, f. & cert. ef. 1-19-90

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