Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Insurance Regulation - Chapter 836

Division 71

Application by Person under OAR 836-071-0323

(1) A person to whom OAR 836-071-0323 applies must submit a consent application on a form provided by the Director.

(2) A person shall submit with the application the following:

(a) A letter from the president of the insurer, or designee of the president, for whom the person acts or will act, that the president or designee is aware of the offense or offenses to which the consent application applies and that the president or designee attests to the character of the person. The letter should describe the person's character traits as they relate to the employment, position or activities for which written consent is sought and the duties and responsibilities thereof.

(b) At least five letters or other forms of statement addressed to the Director, attesting to the character and reputation of the person, in addition to the letter required in subsection (a) of this section. The statement as to character should indicate the length of time the writer has known the person and should describe the person's character traits as they relate to the employment, position or activities for which written consent is sought and the duties and responsibilities thereof. The statement as to reputation must attest to the person's reputation in the person's community, circle of business or social acquaintances.

(3) Each letter or statement required in section (2) of this rule should indicate that it has been submitted in compliance with these procedures and that the person has informed the writer of the factual basis of the application being filed with the Director and the purpose thereof. In evaluating letters or statements from relatives by blood or marriage, prospective employers or insurance related business activities, or persons serving in any capacity with the insurer, its employees or agents, the Director may take into account the personal and business interests of those persons.

(4) A person shall also submit with the application under this rule a current credit report from a credit bureau. A credit report is current if it was issued within 30 days after the date of the application.

(5) A person shall submit information in addition to that required in this rule as the Director determines to be appropriate for the proper consideration and disposition of the consent application under this rule.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 731.244
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 731.428 & 744.013
ID 8-2005, f. 5-18-05, cert. ef. 8-1-05
ID 9-2000, f. & cert. ef. 10-24-00

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