Oregon Secretary of State

Public Utility Commission

Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots - Chapter 856

Division 19
Incidents, Complaints and Discipline

Miscellaneous Reporting Obligations

(1) Any licensee or trainee who has a post-incident, random or reasonable cause drug or alcohol test with results confirmed positive by a medical review officer must report the results in writing to the Board within 72 hours after receiving such results.

(2) Any licensee or trainee who is arrested or cited for any alcohol or drug-related offense must report the arrest or citation in writing to the Board within 72 hours. Additionally, any licensee or trainee arrested or cited for any alcohol or drug-related offense must, within 72 hours, report in writing to the Board the ultimate resolution of the arrest or citation, whether by conviction, diversion, dismissal, acquittal or otherwise.

(3) Any licensee or trainee who is convicted of any crime must report the conviction in writing to the Board within 5 days of receiving notice of such conviction.

(4) Any licensee or trainee who has disciplinary action commenced against him or her, or against his or her license by the U.S. Coast Guard, must report such action in writing to the Board within 5 days of receiving notice of the initiation of such action by the U.S. Coast Guard.

(5) Any licensee, upon notifying thieir associaiton of their intent to surrender their license or retire from a pilotage ground, shall notify the Board of their intended retirement or surrender date as soon as practical, but no later than the effective date of the expected license action.

Statutory/Other Authority: 670 & ORS 776
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 776.115 & 670.310
BMP 1-2020, amend filed 02/04/2020, effective 02/04/2020
BMP 4-2018, renumbered from 856-010-0021, filed 04/25/2018, effective 04/25/2018
BMP 3-2011, f. 6-28-11, cert. ef. 6-29-11

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