Oregon Secretary of State

Public Utility Commission

Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots - Chapter 856

Division 19
Incidents, Complaints and Discipline

Suspension, Revocation or Lapse of Federal License

(1) The state license of any pilot whose federal license is revoked, suspended or refused renewal may be revoked, suspended or refused renewal.

(2) The lapse of a federal license due to discipline shall be treated as a suspension for the purposes of this paragraph, and may subject the pilot to discipline by the Board.

(3) At the Board's discretion, a suspended state pilot license may be reinstated upon restoration of the pilot's federal license, even when restoration of the federal license occurs prior to the end of the suspension period ordered for the state license.

(4) A pilot whose license is suspended under this rule may apply to the Board for a review of the case while under suspension.  If, upon review, the Board determines that circumstances warrant modification of the pilot's suspended status, the Board may order such modification as it deems appropriate.


Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670 & ORS 776
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 670.280, ORS 670.310 & ORS 776.115
BMP 4-2020, amend filed 05/14/2020, effective 05/14/2020
BMP 17-2018, minor correction filed 05/23/2018, effective 05/23/2018
BMP 5-2018, renumbered from 856-010-0035, filed 04/25/2018, effective 04/25/2018
BMP 3-2011, f. 6-28-11, cert. ef. 6-29-11
PC 1, f. 10-29-57, ef. 7-1-57; MP 5-1983, f. & ef. 12-15-83: MP 2-1984, f. & ef. 10-4-84; MP 3-1988, f. & cert. ef. 11-9-88; MP 1-1992, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-92; MP 1-1997(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9-30-97

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