Oregon Secretary of State

Public Utility Commission

Chapter 860

Division 26

Standards Governing Promotional Activities and Concessions

(1) All promotional activities and concessions shall be just and reasonable, prudent as a business practice, economically feasible and compensatory, and reasonably beneficial both to the energy or large telecommunications utility and its customers. The cost of promotional activities and concessions must not be so large as to impose an undue burden on the energy or large telecommunications utility’s customers in general and must be recoverable through related sales stimulation within a reasonable time.

(2) No energy or large telecommunications utility or its affiliate shall:

(a) Directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any device whatsoever, offer or grant any promotional concession except such as is uniformly and contemporaneously extended to all persons in a reasonably defined class;

(b) Engage in any promotional concession that creates an undue preference or advantage to any person or subjects any person to any undue prejudice or disadvantage;

(c) Engage in any promotional concession that establishes or maintains any unreasonable difference between localities or as between classes of customer; or

(d) Insert, or seek to enforce, any covenant or other provisions in any deed, mortgage, lease, or any other instrument related to realty that restricts the form of energy which may be used upon such realty.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 183, 756 & 759
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040 & 759.267
PUC 16-2001, f. & cert. ef. 6-21-01
PUC 9-1998, f. & cert. ef. 4-28-98
PUC 164, f. 4-18-74, ef. 5-11-74 (Order No. 74-307)

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