Oregon Secretary of State

Board of Licensed Social Workers

Chapter 877

Division 1

Renewals of Authorization to Practice Regulated Social Work

(1) The holder of an authorization to practice regulated social work may renew the authorization by submitting the following to the board:

(a) A completed application for renewal that shows that the holder of the authorization has met the requirements for continuing education in division 25 of this chapter of rules;

(b) The fee required by OAR 877-001-0020; and

(c) Any additional information the Board may require to determine the holder meets all of the qualifications for renewal.

(2) An authorization lapses at the conclusion of the 30th day following the renewal date unless the holder has met the requirements of section (1) of this rule.

(3) The renewal date for an authorization is the final day of the birth month of the holder in the year the authorization expires. An authorization expires as follows:

(a) A certificate of clinical social work associate expires each year.

(b) A master’s social worker license and a certificate of baccalaureate social worker registration and a license as a clinical social worker expire in the month following the first birth month that occurs a minimum of 18 months following the initial issuance and every second year thereafter.

(4) An authorization expires when it lapses under section (2) of this rule.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 675.510 - 675.600
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 675.510-675-600 & ORS 675.990
BLSW 1-2022, amend filed 08/08/2022, effective 08/09/2022
BLSW 1-2012, f. 12-14-12, cert. ef. 1-1-13
BLSW 3-2010, f. 12-15-10, cert. ef. 1-1-11

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