Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Building Codes Division - Chapter 918

Division 30

Licenses Requiring 24 Hours of Continuing Education

(1) During each three-year license cycle, the following license holders are required to complete 24 hours of approved continuing education. The hours must include code-change courses in the amounts below, and after the date listed in OAR 918-030-0100 Table 2-A must include a 4-hour Oregon rule and law course meeting the standards established in OAR 918-035-0055. The Oregon rule and law course is in addition to the code-change hour requirement:

(a) General Supervising Electrician: must include 12 hours of code change;

(b) Limited Supervising Electrician: must include 12 hours of code change;

(c) General Journeyman Electrician: must include 8 hours of code change;

(d) Journeyman Plumber: must include 4 hours of code change.

(2) During each three-year license cycle, the following license holders are required to complete 24 hours of approved continuing education:

(a) Class 3 Boiler Building Service Mechanic;

(b) Class 4 Boiler Boilermaker;

(c) Class 5 Boiler Pressure-Piping Mechanic;

(d) Class 5A Boiler Process Piping Mechanic; and

(e) Class 5B Boiler Refrigeration Piping Mechanic.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 455.117
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 455.117
BCD 12-2018, amend filed 06/21/2018, effective 07/01/2018
BCD 4-2013, f. 3-29-13, cert. ef. 4-1-13
BCD 17-2012(Temp), f. 12-21-12, cert. ef. 12-22-12 thru 5-31-13
BCD 9-2012, f. 9-27-12, cert. ef. 10-1-12
BCD 10-2008, f. 6-30-08, cert. ef. 7-1-08
BCD 13-2006, f. 9-29-06, cert. ef. 10-1-06
BCD 10-2006(Temp), f. 6-30-06, cert. ef. 7-1-06 thru 12-28-06

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