Oregon Secretary of State

Department of Consumer and Business Services

Building Codes Division - Chapter 918

Division 282

Limited Supervising Electrician License

(1) A limited supervising electrician may:

(a) Direct, supervise, make or control the making of electrical installations limited to installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of electrical wiring and electrical products on or in an existing, operable manufacturing or industrial plant, hospital, sewer plant, water plant, commercial office building, building owned or operated by the state or a local government facility designated by the board or an institution owned or operated by the licensee’s employer; and

(b) Design, plan and lay out work for the employer; and

(c) Shall sign all permits;

(d) Shall ensure electrical installations meet minimum safety standards; and

(e) Is not authorized to install or perform work on service equipment.

(2) License and Equivalent Requirements. The four-year experience requirement can be met by four years of experience as a limited journeyman manufacturing plant electrician.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 479.730
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 479.730
BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-320-0100
BCA 28-1989, f. & cert. ef. 12-7-89
DC 15-1987, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-87, Renumbered from 814-022-0890

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